Community Outreach

Tree Seedling Workshop

Every spring, the EPD purchases native tree seedlings from the State nurseries in Colorado and/or New Mexico. These seedlings are used as teaching aid, and interested Tribal members in Towaoc and White Mesa Communities adopt baby trees when they come to learn about the ways of trees.

Why Do We Plant Trees?

Seed Saving Workshop

During the growing season, the EPD hosts a series of four Native Heirloom Seed Saving workshops in Towaoc and White Mesa Communities. The participants receive the Southwestern Tribes' heirloom seeds and initial materials in an exchange to commit to raise the crops as they are taught, save the seeds from them as they are taught, and share the seeds with the program when they harvest them. 

Workshop I:  Raising heirloom crops: continuing tradition. Making small seed pots using newspaper and planting Amaranth, tomato, sunflower and chili. 

Workshop II:  Separating the crop varieties that may cross-breed. Making large seed pots using newspaper and planting bean, corn, melon, and squash.

Workshop III:  Harvesting and preparing seeds for storage.

Workshop IV:  Art of seed saving: seed storage methods and exchanging seeds.


Community Garden Development

Members of the Towaoc Community is looking to develop Community Garden in 2011. The EPD has been assisting in the organization of the core group, advising on the development strategy and funding sources.